Monday 6 May 2024

The Haunting of Borley Rectory: The Story of A Ghost Story. Book Review

 The first book on Borley that I've read, and held to be definitive by many.

Here, Sean O'Connor gives us an in-depth account of the  history; the lives of the people who lived there and various outsiders who visited what has long been labelled 'The most haunted house in England'. Certainly, the legend of Borley boasts quite a reputation - even to this very day - and appears to have split opinion as to the likelihood or not of the various manifestations claimed to have taken place there. Ghostly nuns; writing on the Rectory walls; strange noises emanating from unoccupied rooms; a phantom coach and a strange man in a top hat seen prowling servant's quarters are just a few of the alleged phenomena experienced in this undesirable property.

The part of this story involving famous ghost hunter the late Harry Price has given doubters plenty of ammunition in their quest to debunk claims that Borley really was haunted and Sean provides valuable research and commentary on darn near every aspect of the story. My own feelings contain a belief that the Rectory did play host to the supernatural. While I accept that Price almost certainly was guilty of faking 'evidence' and that other people helped to dishonestly add to the mix, for me there was still enough to make it unlikely that every supernatural occurrence was either faked or from the projection of wild imaginations. Do read this book, and make up your own mind. The exhaustive research and how it was all put together make this a five star read.


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